Thursday 9 May 2013

Acne In Teenagers And Treatment

Acne or pimples is one of the most common problems in teenagers affecting nearly seventeen million people in the United States. Acne breakouts can be nothing but a dilemma involving sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Acne results from the clogging of sebaceous glands resulting in the formation of pimples and cysts. The condition usually starts with the puberty. Going by the facts, as teens attain puberty the androgen known as male sex hormones are produced in high number linking to sebaceous glands becoming over active which leads to sebum being produced in high proportions.
Sebum, that is certainly just oil is created by sebaceous glands which cross into the epidermis surface through hair follicles. But, skin cells block the follicles which leads to oil also being blocked. When these hair follicles are blocked it ends up in the producing of skin bacteria is referred to as P-acnes throughout the follicles as well as produces swelling of the skin called Acne. When the hair follicles are partially blocked it consequences in blackheads. Generally if the follicles are entirely blocked they contribute to whiteheads. However if these plugged follicles typically are not treated they ultimately burst causing the oil, bacteria and skin cells to spill within the skin leading to irritation and formation of pimples. Acne might be shallow along with deep in a number of individuals according to the nature of skin and level of oil produced.

There are frequently various causes why acne forms. Other than rising hormone levels simply because of puberty it may also be due to certain additional factors like consuming of drugs which includes lithium, barbiturates and corticosteroids. Acne will also be due to excess grease and oil inside the scalp, from cooking oil and produce of some cosmetics could in fact alleviate the acne problem. Acne problem persistently is inherited also. Acne problem is worsened in case the acne are squeezed or scrubbed excessively. 

Acne can form for every single spot at the human body. However they most often form in the areas when you find there sebaceous glands are found in high proportions like face, chest, shoulders, neck and upper back. The signs and symptoms may differ from one person to another but usually observed symptoms are: formation of blackheads, whiteheads, lesions filled with pus and that happen to be very painful and finally nodules. An individual may get confused sometimes as indicators of acne could possibly be like another skin problem and in fact it is always advised to consult a health care provider in this particular scenario. 



  1. Acne is a skin condition that can affect teenagers or adults, but it is usually a preventable condition. I appreciate you because you focused on Acne in teenagers and treatment.Thank you for sharing such a helpful post.
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  2. It is also best to use organic skin care pads as your natural acne treatment.

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